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ONLINE QTE 501 MASTERCLASS 24.12: Boardroom Masterclass For IT and Cyber Executives (FULL)

29 Jul 2024 @ 9:00am PDT
09 Aug 2024 @ 10:00am PDT

Tickets are sold out


The acclaimed DDN QTE 501 Masterclass is a live executive education experience focused on strengthening the ability of digital and cybersecurity executives to excel in the corporate boardroom. QTE 501 is CPD Certified and delivers 13 hours of continuing professional development. 

QTE 501 is for CIOs, CISOs, CROs, CDOs, CTOs, and other technology executives to strengthen their role and influence in the boardroom. QTE 501 will help them understand and apply the leading frameworks in systemic cyber risk and digital/cybersecurity risk oversight. It will improve their ability to work effectively with their corporate board and start them on their path to becoming a corporate director. First-time directors also find the Masterclass helpful. 

Participants will join over 500 digital and cybersecurity leaders from leading organizations around the world who have completed QTE 501 and earned their QTE Certification. 


The QTE Boardroom Readiness Masterclass is designed to deliver the executive education experience the IT and cybersecurity leaders need to understand corporate governance, the developing practice of digital and cybersecurity risk oversight, systemic risk, and their expanding role in the boardroom. QTE 501 is taught to leading business school academic standards by peers and leading practitioners on these issues.  

Qualified Technology Experts (QTEs) are boardroom-ready technology and cybersecurity executives with the skills, competencies, and experiences to be high-performing contributors in the corporate boardroom.

This is a business school learning experience taught by leading experts in systemic risk and digital and cybersecurity risk oversight. It is not an industry style event.

The online class is six live modules over two consecutive weeks. On the 6th day, participants will also be able to sit for the QTE exam. Class days for this cohort are: 

July 29  (9 AM - 10 AM Pacific Time)

July 31 (9 AM - 10 AM Pacific Time)

August 2 (9 AM - 10 AM Pacific Time)

August 5 (9 AM - 10 AM Pacific Time)

August 7 (9 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time)

August 9 (9 AM - 10 AM Pacific Time) One hour of class time and please allow 90 minutes for the final exam later during the day.

Our online cohorts are live learning environments and are limited to a small number of participants to drive a high level of engagement and peer interaction. 


"My compliments on the quality of the course, DDN and the instruction style. For me personally, the timing could not have been better as this has already been extremely helpful for work with my own Board Cyber Committee." 

— Gary Cantrell, CIO, Jabil Corp. (NYSE: JBL)

"DDN’s QTE Boardroom Readiness executive education program fills a critical gap to prepare technologists for board service like no other course that I’ve seen." 

— Daphne Jones, Corporate Director, (AMN: NYSE, B: NYSE, DOOR: NYSE)
and former SVP and CIO GE Healthcare 

"The [QTE Boardroom Readiness] course content provided an excellent framework for board-level engagement. I thoroughly enjoyed the deep dive discussions with an exceptional class!"

— Rishi Tripathi, CISO, Mount Sinai Health System

"The QTE Masterclass should be essential required training for all technical professionals seeking roles on boards as well as those actively engaged with boards, such as CIO’s and CISO's. The insights gained, concepts discussed and the gaps filled are invaluable ‘table-stakes’ for leaders on both sides of the boardroom table. The class and the instruction was a great experience!"

—Patrick Joyce, VP & Chief Security Officer Medtronic (NYSE: MDT)


This class has three key learning objectives targeted at developing a range of critical corporate governance competencies for the technology executive: 

1. Improving the ability of any technology executive to work with their own corporate board.

2. Developing technology executives to become effective corporate directors and assist in launching your boardroom career. 

3. Establishing core competencies in digital and cybersecurity risk oversight and a functional understanding of systemic risk in complex digital systems.

Upon completion of the course, participants will:

  • Understand the role of the corporate board and director.
  • Improve their ability to convey complex technical issues to corporate directors.
  • Have a basic understanding of systemic risk in digital and cybersecurity oversight.
  • Understand the new SEC disclosure rules including how to go from cybersecurity incident to materiality determination.
  • Know what boardroom service entails, pays, and how to pursue a board seat.
  • Be informed of the trends shaping the future of the corporation, the board and the role and responsibilities of the corporate director.   
  • Understand the legal issues and trends facing the corporate director and boardroom.


QTE Boardroom Readiness is the only program designed and taught by leading academics, lawyers, and practitioners in digital transformation, cybersecurity, and corporate governance.  

The lead designer and instructor for the curriculum is Bob Zukis, former USC Marshall School of Business Adjunct Professor, DDN CEO/Founder, and former PwC Advisory Partner and Bloomfire CEO. Bob brings over thirty-five years of management consulting experience and academic rigor to the QTE learning experience. 

He is a Senior Fellow in The Conference Board's ESG Center, an emeritus board member of the NACD PSW chapter, and a prolific author and speaker on digital leadership, governance, and systemic risk and change. As a PwC Advisory partner, Bob led their IT strategy/operations, data management and west coast cybersecurity practices.  

DDN Faculty members also teach the QTE 501 Masterclass. 


QTE 501 is taught to leading business school standards. Participates will experience engaging lectures, exercises, peer discussions, and case reviews focusing on the key knowledge, skills, and practical tools to be effective as a digital director in the corporate boardroom. 

Classes are recorded for participant use only and in the event of interruptions or scheduling conflicts. 


QTE 501 is CPD Certified. 

Attendees will also be eligible to sit for the QTE certification exam upon class completion. Participation in the class is a prerequisite for taking the QTE certification exam. 

The QTE certification exam is based on the content covered in the pre-reading and also key concepts that will be discussed in class. The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and requires a 70% passing score. Exams can only be taken in our online environment. 

Participants complete 13 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours of executive education in the masterclass. CPD hours of learner interaction include classroom, self-paced pre-reading, and homework in support of the learning outcomes of the masterclass. Ten hours of ongoing education is required every two years to maintain current QTE Certification.


Upon passing, QTEs will also be eligible to have their first year's dues to the Private Directors Association waived if they are a new PDA member. Annual dues are $395 if QTEs continue their PDA membership beyond the first year. QTE's will also be able to opt-in to registration with the Equilar Diversity Network. Equilar is working with DDN and NASDAQ to advance gender diversity and all types of boardroom diversity, including digital diversity.  


Upon registration, participants will be sent their course textbooks and all other materials to the address they provide during online registration. We estimate that 6-7 hours of pre-reading is required throughout the class period.

We keep classes small to facilitate engagement for all participants. If there are any conflicts with a scheduled class, participants will be able to watch the recorded class online.

We look forward to seeing you in class.   

29 Jul 2024 @ 9:00am PDT
09 Aug 2024 @ 10:00am PDT